A while back the Emergency act bill; Conditional Final Settlement of Dividend Tax (hereafter referred to as: “the Bill”) was amended. The Bill provides for a notional distribution of the pure profits of Dutch-based companies in certain cross-border reorganizations, to the extent that such pure profits exceed €50 million. A new amendment has been submitted; The Fourth Amendment Bill[1].
A new comment has been provided by the Dutch association of Tax Lawyers (“NOB”) in which they state that it is not responsible to introduce the Bill in its current form, as amended in the Fourth Amendment Bill. The NOB writes the following in its comment to the Fourth amendment[2];
The Fourth amendment of the bill does however raise new fundamental questions and issues:
The NOB states that it wants to clarify its standpoint to Dutch Parliament. How these comments of the NOB will be interpretated and utilized by The Dutch Parliament has yet to be seen.
[1] Voorstel van wet van het lid Van der Lee tot wijziging van de Wet op de dividendbelasting 1965 en enige andere belastingwetten in verband met de invoering van een conditionele eindafrekening (Spoedwet conditionele eindafrekening dividendbelasting) | Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal. (2021b). Tweede Kamer. Geraadpleegd op 7 februari 2022, van https://www.tweedekamer.nl/kamerstukken/detail?id=2020Z13769&did=2021D48451
[2] NOB-reactie op vierde nota van wijziging Spoedwet conditionele eindafrekening dividendbelasting. (2022, 4 februari). NOB. Geraadpleegd op 7 februari 2022, van https://www.nob.net/nob-reactie-op-vierde-nota-van-wijziging-spoedwet-conditionele-eindafrekening-dividendbelasting